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Ryan Landscapes Testimonial:

"I purchased a tee sign at the Christman's Windham Golf Course. I was skeptical at first because I did not get any feedback. Then one day I got a call from a guy who was golfing on the course and saw my sign. He said he was only going to be in town a few more hours and if I could come over to his house because he had this project he wanted to get a price on. So I gave him a price and he accepted it. A day before I finished the job his brother stopped by and asked me if I could get him a price for some work at his house so I did and got the job. Come to find out the brothers own 5 shopping malls. I got the job to landscape the 5 shopping malls and in the wintertime, I plow the snow at the shopping malls parking lots. In total, I have made over $100,000 on my sign. When they called me last year to renew my sign it was a no brainer. I said heck yes!  Does this advertising work?  You betcha!  And I am proof!" 

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